Returns the end-of-file Terminal symbol that has been added to the original grammar to generate the parser.
Returns a List of the Goto entries for the given state's "goto table" row. Entries are guaranteed to be sorted by the List entries' lhs.index(). <p> Implementation must be such that this method can safely be called multiple times for a fixed <code>state</code> without performance becoming an issue.
Returns a List of the Shift, Halt, and Reduce entries for the given state's "parser action table" row. Entries are guaranteed to be sorted by the List entries' lookahead.index(). <p> Implementation must be such that this method can safely be called multiple times for a fixed <code>state</code> without performance becoming an issue.
Returns the number of states in the parser.
Abstract view on the parse tables for a deterministic canonical LR-like parser with 1-symbol lookahead. Note that the represented parser may well be a <emph>nondeterministic</emph> one.
@author SöKa